Last year we partnered with Invenis.
Invenis is a data partner for SMEs and public sector organisations. As they support them at all levels of their data maturity, they’re helping these organisations and their analysts achieve autonomy in the daily use of AI and data.
They reached out for help regarding their brand platform and positioning, which led to a total rebrand. Because they recently raised a new round of funding & grew their team exponentially, it was a great time to launch something new!
Going through a rebrand is clearly not something that can be done overnight; it pushes you to ask yourself some tough questions, face doubts, and so much more.
There are four key steps for successful rebranding:
1. Start with your mission, vision and values.
This is the center of it all. Everything will revolve around this first step as your mission, values, and vision will be present in every other part of the rebranding process. Here’s what this looks like for Invenis:
The vision: A world where data is FINALLY accessible to everyone and used by as many people as possible.
The mission: SUPPORTING data users to REVEAL their value, making them perfectly AUTONOMOUS and thus STRENGTHEN their performance
The values: Engagement, Agility, Ambition & Team Spirit.
These three pillars are very important and it’s something that every member of their team should be completely aligned with.
2. Have a holistic strategy.
Rebranding isn’t just about a new logo or website, but about the entire look and feel of the brand that you present to the world. Make sure that there’s a consistent and cohesive strategy that spans all elements (logo, packaging, signage, flyers, ads, etc.) and channels of your brand (digital, social, brick-and-mortar presence, etc.).
We worked with Invenis to build a solid brand platform that helps create a cohesive and consistent brand.
3. Analyze the market and competition.
Research what’s working among your competitors as well as the trends in the market. However, don’t go after the very latest branding trend if that doesn’t speak to your company values and brand identity. The goal here is not to be bleeding-edge (i.e. taking “leading edge” a step too far), but to keep brand longevity in mind.
The goal for Invenis was to stand out among this very crowded industry of tech and data startups, all following the same startup style of branding and marketing.
4. Analyze what to keep and what to discard from your current branding.
Before you toss everything, consider what may already be working well in your brand. Typically, you may want to keep, at least, your company name. Ideally, some elements of your current brand will be preserved so that there’s a feel of continuity when you rebrand. After all, you don’t want to lose the elements that already resonate with your target audience. Basically: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
For Invenis, we decided to keep the name & also a lot of the pillar values they were supporting for years, everything was making sense, it was just missing a cohesive messaging and way to present it, that led to a new tagline. We also decided to drop the capital I just for added effect while attacking the colour blue, which was the primary color used, for a smoother transition. Everything else is brand new (see the pun here?).

5. Launch the brand.
And, finally, it’ll be time to tell the world about your new brand! That was the case for Invenis, and you can go check their article about the re-branding on their blog here:Â
If you liked what you saw, feel free to book a call with us.
Please go give some love to Invenis team too (they deserve it), and if you need some help to become data-driven, then you should definitely book a call with them!