As a start-up, knowing where to focus your time, energy, and perhaps more importantly - your money, when it comes to marketing campaigns is an important, yet complicated step.
So. You have your product, you’ve put in the emotional labor to establish your why and the essence of your brand - it’s time to pat yourself on the back, right? Time to finally celebrate and take a rest.
The Internet is an amazing thing. It’s opened up collaboration, communication, and connection with just about every corner of the globe. It’s also restructured society and the relationship we have with work in major ways.
If the first few steps of our content exploration were about building a content strategy and creating strategy documentation - the next logical step is to arm you with great ideas.
You’ve waited patiently since our last article about the Pros and Cons of Insourcing vs Outsourcing your website design, so without further adieu, we’re here to tackle the same concept for your marketing needs.